Are you curious about which themes and with which clients we have worked before? Or do you want to know more about the working process during our projects for customers? We’ve detailed a handful of our projects here. Take a look and discover what we can do for your project.
From concept to visual
From sketch, to infographic, to storyboard, to animation and expanded menu. A look at a creative process with PreZero.
An animation process with AstraZeneca
How do oncology patients experience care? We designed an activating call-to-action by means of a clear animation film.
Completion of cultural values and functions GGD Fryslân
After the GGD had implemented a number of changes in its organisation, they wanted to get to work on filling their new positions. The desired behavior of the employees when performing their job was of great importance.
Making a virtual workshop with Cardea Youth Care
Cardea Jeugdhulp had developed a vision document in which she described its mission, vision and core values. Instead of a [...]
An activating Call-to-Action
Together with the management of Jeugdbescherming West, Buro BRAND has supplemented the annual report from a boring report with a lively and well-communicating infographic.
Graphic Recording at the Ministry of Home Affairs, project “Proeftuinen”
The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations organizes many activities to involve citizens in social topics and tasks. One of these initiatives is called “testing grounds” in which neighborhood residents are involved in small-scale tasks in the neighbourhood.
Need visual directions?
Plan a free Visual Exploration. A 30 minute conversation, in which we'll take a look at the opportunities Visual Thinking could offer you and your business.
Call us: +31 (0)70 204 40 49From concept to visual
From sketch, to infographic, to storyboard, to animation and expanded menu. A look at a creative process with PreZero.
An animation process with AstraZeneca
How do oncology patients experience care? We designed an activating call-to-action by means of a clear animation film.
Completion of cultural values and functions GGD Fryslân
After the GGD had implemented a number of changes in its organisation, they wanted to get to work on filling their new positions. The desired behavior of the employees when performing their job was of great importance.
Making a virtual workshop with Cardea Youth Care
Cardea Jeugdhulp had developed a vision document in which she described its mission, vision and core values. Instead of a [...]
An activating Call-to-Action
Together with the management of Jeugdbescherming West, Buro BRAND has supplemented the annual report from a boring report with a lively and well-communicating infographic.
Graphic Recording at the Ministry of Home Affairs, project “Proeftuinen”
The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations organizes many activities to involve citizens in social topics and tasks. One of these initiatives is called “testing grounds” in which neighborhood residents are involved in small-scale tasks in the neighbourhood.
Visual collaboration for everyone!
As a result of the rapidly changing world, ING drastically changed course to an agile way of working and organizing. They saw visual collaboration as an important skill to make this change a success and take root.