You want to stand out. Want people to recognize you. That people link your product or service to your brand in one look. You do this through good graphic design.

What is graphic design?

Graphic design is the process of visualizing your (brand)message through text and visuals. This can be in the shape of a business card, a menu or poster. But also through the visualisation of a fact sheet, magazine or book.

“Visualizing your (brand)message through text and visuals.”

It’s a ‘visual language’ which you brand ‘speaks’ to inform, activitate and motivate your audience.

De benefits of graphic design

Graphic Design is the cornerstone of a good communication strategy. You can find the three biggest reasons to give attention to your Graphic Design below.

1. Graphic Design is the first impression

Even before your customers read your copy, or even look at your product, they see your message through your Graphic Design. This means that here lie opportunities to suprise them, make them enthusiastic or even shock them. You can’t redo first impressions.

2. Good Graphic Design leads to consistency, which leads to trust

A recognizable colour palette. A recurring typography. A good logo. If you do this consistently, it rings through in your brand. If your style is consistent, so are you. And if you are consistent, you’re trustworthy.

3. Graphic Design brings across ideas

The appearance of the design does not just fit the brand, it also radiates your key values. It’s a door to the heart of the customer which you can open with our visual tools.

How we work together

Spark, flame, fire (BRAND)!  

Getting down a strong design is only possible through teamwork. No one can explain your key values better than you yourself. We are there to translate it into Graphic Design. Or years of expertise as illustrators and visual facilitators resulted in knowing how to ask the right questions and how to guide people through this process.

For this, we have our patented BRAND-method to translate your message into design.

The Spark

This is it, the beginning of our adventure, this is were we hit our rocks and creativity together, in the search for that spark.  

This is where we hold our creative intake, and focus on the goal and scope, and this is where we share ideas and make a lot of sketches.

The Flame

Slowly the spark grows into a small flame, that with enough oxygen, the right temperature and fuel grows faster and faster.

With all input from the spark-phase we work on the sketches, combine ideas and make a first blueprint of your design.

The Fire (BRAND)

The flames of your Graphic Design are burning! Ready to ignite the hearts and minds of your target group. Like a real fire (BRAND). 

In this phase we turn on our design skills, we turn the blueprint into a slick and final design. We put the dots on the i’s and finish your work.

During all these phases there is room for feedback, additions and suggestions that we in our our BRAND way guide for the optimal efficiency.

Conquering the world with graphic design

Want to make a great first impression?

Want to make a great first impression?
Want to be a trustworthy brand?
Want to get your vision onto paper?
Turn to us for your graphic design!

Ask us for the estimated costs. Or plan a meeting with us where we talk about the options for your organisation.

Can we help you?

Ask us for the estimated costs.

Not completely sure?

Call us and we’ll tell you more about the different possibilities of Graphic Design.